Locally owned and operated
Reco Construction is locally owned and operated. We also buy all of our supplies locally (when possible) and support charities in the City of Grande Prairie and the surrounding area.

Locally owned and operated
Reco Construction is locally owned and operated. We also buy all of our supplies locally (when possible) and support charities in the City of Grande Prairie and the surrounding area.
We are a construction company based in Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada, that provide Civil Construction Services to clients in the City of Grande Prairie, and the surrounding Alberta Peace Country Region.
Services provided include Water & Sewer Work, Excavating, Road Work, Paving, Demolition Work, Snow Removal, Sales of Sand & Gravel, and Equipment Rental (with operators only).
Our range of clients include Residential, Commercial, Industrial, and Oilfield, as well as various Municipal Governments.
Reco Construction was formed in the early 1970's by our esteemed founder Mr. Weeko Wabbit, with one small backhoe, a hoppy attitude, and two partially eaten carrots in his pocket.
In the1980's the company expanded and was merged with another local company called Brochu's Trenching and was called "Reco Trenching Ltd. (A Division of Brochu's Trenching Ltd.)".
Timberline Haulers Ltd. was established by Mr. Jim Wald in the early 1960's, with one International single axle truck. Timberline grew, with the second family generation taking the reins in the mid 1990's. Timberline has hauled logs for all three mills in the Grande Prairie area as well as gravel and lumber for many varied clients throughout Alberta and British Columbia. Timberline also spent many years hauling gravel to various locations along the Alaska Highway from Fort St. John, through Whitehorse, and up to Dawson City, and by the mid 1990's, Timberline was hauling most of Reco's materials.
In the late 1990's Reco saw a need for a locally owned asphalt paving contractor and formed All Peace Asphalt.
In 2000, Reco and Timberline were merged and the operating name was changed to Reco Construction Ltd.
Reco Construction has grown into a full civil construction and sitework provider, with its own gravel pits, asphalt plant, crusher plant, large modern shop, Trucks (through Timberline), and construction & paving equipment.
We believe that we have some of the best Superintendents, Foremans, Operators, and Drivers that the industry has to offer (but we might be just a little biased).
Small Projects
While this list includes some of our mid to large size projects, we do lots of small project work as well. Some of our smallest projects just consist of home owners hiring us by the hour to do excavating work either on their farm, acreage, or in their yard within the city.
New Composite High School Parking Lot
The new Composite High School Parking Lot, at the south west side of the Multiplex, consisted of dirtwork gravel work, and paving. As the final design grades for the parking lot were not completed in time for our construction work, some of the design for the grading was done in house using our own software and GPS system.
Township Road 704
Township Road 704 is the road through the cross country ski hill area. Our work involved road grading, and paving. It was one of the more interesting roadways that we have paved in that it has a lot of changes in grade, both horizontally and vertically, and because of this, it is rather fun to drive (especially now that it is paved).
Range Road 72
Range Road 72 is on top of and on the north side of Richmond Hill (west of the City, just past the airport). It consisted of base course construction and paving.
105 Street Storm Sewer Upgrade
We excavated 105 Street from the Dairy Queen downtown, west towards Saint Joes Church at the edge of Muskoseepi Park. Our work consisted of installing 300mm diameter pipe, 1050mm pipe, and rebuilding and paving 105 street.
Range Road 54
Range Road 54 runs north south just east of Carriage Lane. Our work consisted of road widening, base course construction and paving.
Range Road 51 North
Range Road 51 North, consisted of roadway widening, ditch regrading, and paving.
Aquatera Land Fill Cell
The Aquatera Land Fill Cell consisted of excavating a new cell, and placement of a liner. We are the most experienced contractor in terms of building Land Fill Cells in the Grande Prairie area.
Highway 40 and Correction Line Intersection
The Highway 40 and Correction Line Intersection consisted of roadway widening, ditch regrading, and the addition of a turning lane.